Status Start Date End Date Locations
Active Sep 1, 2023 Aug 31, 2025 Greene, Owen
Director: Ginger Davis
Other Researchers: Nicholas Angelos, Valerie Beckham-Feller, Victoria Leffel, Alex Martinez, Connor Miller, Ben Romlein, McKailey Sabaj, Katherine Tucker Jason Fine, USGS; David Lampe, USGS; Garth Lindner, DNR DOW
Funding: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) - National Ground-Water Monitoring Network (NGWMN)
Issue: The National Groundwater Monitoring Network compiles data from wells and springs to create a comprehensive national database.
Objective: The objectives of this project are to install two new monitoring wells and refurbish a previously built well.
Approach: Both new wells are proposed in south-central Indiana as trend/backbone monitoring locations in the NGWMN, providing improved representation of the Mississippian Aquifers in the region. Additionally, we plan to drill a replacement well near the existing, decommissioned Fort Wayne_N2 (IN015-3) well to continue our long-term monitoring dataset of the Aquifer of Alluvial and Glacial Origin in this region. The installation of these three wells will be completed under Objective 5 and be contracted through Illinois State Geological Survey drilling operations with supporting activities performed by IGWS.
Products: The IGWS will update site identifications and information in the NGWMN to represent our internal inventory system for water assets under Objective 2A. We will provide the required data elements for selected sites to add our most recent monitoring well installations to the network.
Benefits: The trends found from the data can be used to answer questions regarding groundwater availability.