The Quake Cottage program provides citizens with a safe yet realistic experience of the intense shaking that can occur during an earthquake. The program, funded in partnership with the Indiana Department of Homeland Security and the Central United States Earthquake Consortium, promotes earthquake preparedness education in the Wabash Valley and New Madrid Seismic Zones.
The Quake Cottage is a mobile earthquake simulator that mimics the shaking experienced during earthquakes having magnitudes ranging from 3.0 to 7.0. The interior replicates a typical living room (with items fastened down to protect occupants) and demonstrates the effectiveness of preparatory measures to protect lives and prevent damage to personal property. A large window allows audiences to view participants while the simulator is in operation, and exhibit panels accompany the simulator experience.
A limited number of Quake Cottage events are scheduled each year to provide education about the science of earthquakes and earthquake preparedness. For a full schedule of events, visit the IGWS calendar on the home page.