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Item Number: OFS15-01
Map Scale: 1:0

Understanding the timing and magnitude of past lake-level change of the upper Great Lakes (Lakes Superior and Huron-Michigan) allows historical observations of lake level to be placed in a broader geologic context. Research in the Lake Michigan basin, for example, has documented lake-level fluctuations on approximately 30-year and 160-year timescales, beyond the resolvable periodicity of the historical record. Additionally, paleo-records document the influence of glacial isostatic adjustment over a longer interval of time than the historical record, and these longer records are very important in quantifying past rates and predicting future rates of glacial isostatic adjustment. This project investigated past changes in lake level by determining the elevation and age of nearshore coastal sediments (foreshore deposits) within the beach-ridge sequence between the Cranberry Bog and Lake Superior in the Huron Mountain Club of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This report summarizes only the elevation data collected during the summer of 2014. Grain-size analysis of vibracores and optically stimulated luminescence ages from beach ridges will be completed in early to mid-2015 to reconstruct the first relative paleohydrograph for the Huron Mountain Club.

Loope, H. M., Johnston, J. W., Thompson, T. A., and Lepper, K., 2015, Preliminary analysis of Middle Holocene lake-level change of ancestral Lake Superior, Huron Mountains, upper Michigan: Indiana Geological Survey Open-File Study 15-01, 7 p.

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Keywords: lake level, Lake Superior, beach ridge

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Updated 8/19/2020