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Ohio Division of Geological Survey

Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition Publications

January 2018


Aden, D. J., 2017, Status of karst mapping in Ohio: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 49, no. 2, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017NE-291111; Geological Society of America web page, <>, date accessed, July 21, 2017.

Aden, D. J., and Parrick, B. D., 2017, Karst of the Sinking Spring 7.5-minute quadrangle: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 2017-1, 52 p.; Ohio Department of Natural Resources website, <>, date accessed, January 8, 2018.

Erber, N. R., 2017, Surficial geology of the Chillicothe, Ohio region: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 49, no. 2, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017NE-291068; Geological Society of America web page, <>, date accessed, July 21, 2017.

Erber, N. R., 2017, Surficial geology of the Hallsville quadrangle, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Digital Map Series SG-4A Hallsville, scale 1:24,000; Ohio Department of Natural Resources website, <>, date accessed, January 8, 2018.

Erber, N. R., 2017, Surficial geology of the Kingston quadrangle, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Digital Map Series SG-4A Kingston, scale 1:24,000; Ohio Department of Natural Resources website, <>, date accessed, January 8, 2018.

Erber, N. R., 2017, Surficial geology of the Londonderry quadrangle, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Digital Map Series SG-4A Londonderry, scale 1:24,000; Ohio Department of Natural Resources website, <>, date accessed, January 8, 2018.

Erber, N. R., 2017, Surficial geology of the Richmond Dale quadrangle, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Digital Map Series SG-4A Richmond Dale, scale 1:24,000; Ohio Department of Natural Resources website, <>, date accessed, January 8, 2018.

Erber, N. R., 2017, Surficial geology of the Waverly North quadrangle, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Digital Map Series SG-4A Waverly North, scale 1:24,000; Ohio Department of Natural Resources website, <>, date accessed, January 8, 2018.


Aden, D. J., 2016, An improved DEM processing model to more accurately locate sinkholes in southwestern Ohio: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 48, no. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016NC-275118; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, January 24, 2017.

Aden, D. J., 2016, Aden, D. J., 2016, Karst of the Belfast and Sugar Tree Ridge 7.5 minute quadrangles, Ohio: Columbus, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016-4, 7 p., 68 maps; IUScholarWorks (digital repository), v. 48, no. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016NC-275118; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, January 24, 2017.

Berg, R. C., Brown, S. E., Thomason, J. F., Hasenmueller, N. R., Letsinger, S. L., Kincare, K. A., Esch, J. M., Kehew, A. E., Thorleifson, L. H., Kozlowski, A. L., Bird, B. C., Pavey, R. R., Bajc, A. F., Burt, A. K., Fleeger, G. M., and Carson, E. C., 2016, A multiagency and multijurisdictional approach to mapping the glacial deposits of the Great Lakes region in three dimensions in Wessel, G. R., and Greenberg, J.K., eds., Geoscience for the Public Good and Global Development: Toward a Sustainable Future: Geological Society of America Special Paper 520, p. 415-447, <>, date accessed, January 24, 2017.

Erber, N. R. and Spahr, P. N., 2016, Bedrock topography of the Chillicothe East quadrangle, Ohio: Columbus, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, Digital Map Series SG-4B Chillicothe East (scale 1:24,000), <>, date accessed, January 24, 2017.

Erber, N. R. and Spahr, P. N., 2016, Digital elevation model of the Chillicothe East quadrangle, Ohio: Columbus, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, Digital Map Series SG-4D Chillicothe East (scale 1:24,000); IUScholarWorks (digital repository), <>, date accessed, January 24, 2017.

Erber, N. R. and Spahr, P. N., 2016, Drift thickness of the Chillicothe East quadrangle, Ohio: Columbus, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, Digital Map Series SG-4C Chillicothe East (scale 1:24,000); IUScholarWorks (digital repository), <>, date accessed, January 24, 2017.

Erber, N. R. and Spahr, P. N., 2016, Surficial geology of the Chillicothe East quadrangle, Ohio: Columbus, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, Digital Map Series SG-4A Chillicothe East (scale 1:24,000). (A PDF of this publication will also be placed in IUScholarWorks.)


Aden, D. J., 2015, Using LiDAR data to conduct karst mapping in south-central Ohio: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, no. 5, p. 73; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, November 20n , 2015.

Aden, D. J., with GIS and cartography by Martin, D. R., 2015, Karst of the Hillsboro, New Market, New Vienna, and Leesburg quadrangles, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1, 74 p., <>, date accessed September 30, 2015, downloadable data available at <>.

Fugitt, F. L., and Spahr, P. N., 2015, Ohio surficial geology–3D visualizations from 2D maps: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, no. 5, p. 92; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, November 20, 2015.

Fugitt, F. L., Spahr, P. N., Pavey, R. R., Jones, D. M., Angle, M. P., and Aden, D. J., 2015, Surficial geology of the Hillsboro 30 x 60-minute quadrangle in Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Map S-2-HIL, scale 1:100,000.

Karaffa, M. D., Pavey, R. R., Monaghan, G. W., and Loope, H. M., 2015, Interpretation of the interlobate margins of late Wisconsin ice lobes in Indiana–100 years later: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, no. 5, p. 4; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, November 20, 2015.

Lowell, T. V., Loope, H. M., and Curry, B., 2015, Timing of the Last Glacial Maximum in the Great Lakes region of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, no. 5, p. 19; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, November 20, 2015.

Pavey, R. R., 2015, Over the edge–mapping Quaternary geology deposits beyond the glacial margin: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, no. 5, p. 79; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, November 20, 2015.

Pavey, R. R., with GIS and cartography by Martin, D. R., 2015, Bedrock topography of the Bainbridge quadrangle, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Digital Map Series SG-4B, scale 1:24,000, <>, date accessed September 30, 2015.

Pavey, R. R., with GIS and cartography by Martin, D. R., 2015, Drift thickness of the Bainbridge quadrangle, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Digital Map Series SG-4C, scale 1:24,000, <>, date accessed September 30, 2015.

Pavey, R. R., with GIS and cartography by Martin, D. R., 2015, Digital elevation model of the Bainbridge quadrangle, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Digital Map Series SG-4D, scale 1:24,000, <>, date accessed September 30, 2015.

Pavey, R. R., with GIS and cartography by Martin, D. R., 2015, Surficial geology of the Bainbridge quadrangle, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Digital Map Series SG-4A, scale 1:24,000, <>, date accessed September 30, 2015.


Aden, D. J., with GIS and cartography by Martin, D. R., 2014, Karst of the Fireside quadrangle and portions of the Flat Rock and Clyde quadrangles, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014-1, 4 p., 42 maps, <>, date accessed September 16, 2014.

Pavey, R. R., with cartography by Martin, D. R., 2014, Bedrock topography of the Rainsboro, Ohio 7.5 minute quadrangle: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, scale 1:24,000.

Pavey, R. R., with cartography by Martin, D. R., 2014, Drift thickness of the Rainsboro, Ohio 7.5 minute quadrangle: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, scale 1:24,000.

Pavey, R. R., with cartography by Martin, D. R., 2014, Shaded elevation of the Rainsboro, Ohio 7.5 minute quadrangle: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, scale 1:24,000.

Pavey, R. R., with cartography by Martin, D. R., 2014, Surficial geology of the Rainsboro, Ohio 7.5 minute quadrangle: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, scale 1:24,000.


Aden, D. J., 2013, Mapping karst in the north-central Ohio region: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 45, no. 4, p. 18; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, January 10, 2014.

Aden, D. J., with GIS and cartography by Martin, D. R., 2013, Karst of the Bellevue quadrangle and portions of the Clyde and Castalia quadrangles, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1, 4 p., 59 maps; IUScholarWorks Web site <>, date accessed, January 16, 2014.

Jones, D. M., Pavey, R. R., Larsen, G. E., Aden, D. J., and Angle, M. P., 2013, Potential for mineable bedrock in the Lima 30 x 60-minute quadrangle in Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Map SG–2d LIM, scale 1:100,000; IUScholarWorks Web site <>, date accessed, January 16, 2014, 1:100,000-scale derivative map.

Pavey, R. R., and Martin, D. R., 2013, Evaluation of glacial features in northwestern Ohio using LiDAR data: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 45, no. 4, p. 14; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, January 10, 2014.

Pavey R. R., and Stone, B. D., 2013, Lake Erie bluff profile for the North Kingsville quadrangle: IUScholarWorks Web site <>, date accessed, January 16, 2014.


Aden, D. J., 2012, Karst of Delaware County and Clark County, Ohio: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, no. 5, p. 3; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, January 11, 2013.

Aden, D. J., with GIS and cartography by Martin, D. R., 2012, Karst of Springfield, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–2, 25 p.

Angle, M. P., Pavey, R. R., Aden, D. J., and Jones, D. M., 2012, Mapping Ohio's surficial geology–Tools, techniques, and applications to groundwater: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, no. 5, p. 3; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, January 11, 2013.

Martin, D. R., and Pavey, R. R., 2012, Aerial photograph of the Powell, Ohio 7.5-minute quadrangle in 1951 and 2010: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–__.

Pavey, R. R., Angle, M. P., Powers, D. M., and Swinford, E. M., 2012, Karst flooding in Bellevue, Ohio, and vicinity–2008: Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Map EG-5, scale 1:24,000.

Pavey, R. R., and Martin, D. R., 2012, Bedrock topography of the Powell, Ohio 7.5-minute quadrangle: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–__.

Pavey, R. R., and Martin, D. R., 2012, Drift thickness and karst features of the Powell, Ohio 7.5-minute quadrangle: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–__.

Pavey, R. R., and Martin, D. R., 2012, Shaded elevation of the Powell, Ohio 7.5-minute quadrangle: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–__.

Pavey, R. R., and Martin, D. R., 2012, Surficial geology of the Powell, Ohio 7.5-minute quadrangle: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–__.

Swinford, E. M., and Wickstrom, L., 2012, Impact of the Ohio Geological Survey on the Ohio economy: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, no. 5, p. 73; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, January 11, 2013.


Aden, D. J., Powers, D. M., Pavey, R. R., Jones, D. M., Martin, D. R., Shrake, D. L., and Angle, M. P., 2011, Karst of western Delaware County, Ohio, region: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, OFR–2011–4, Mapbook.

ODNR Division of Geological Survey, 2011, Seismic refraction analyses of shallow subsurface geologic materials: ODNR Division of Geological Survey Web page, <>, date accessed, December 30, 2011.

Pavey, R. R., Aden, D. J., Larsen, G. E., Angle, M. P., and Wolfe, M. E., with GIS production and cartography by Powers, D. M., Wells, J. G., and Martin, D. R., 2011, Potential sand and gravel resources of the Canton 30 x 60-minute quadrangle, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Map SG–2a CAN, map scale 1:100,000.

Pavey, R. R., Larsen, G. E., Angle, M. P., Aden, D. J., and Jones, D. M., with GIS production and cartography by Wells, J. G., and Martin, D. R., 2011, Suitability for solid-waste disposal in the Lorain 30 X 60-minute quadrangle, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Map SG–2b LOR, map scale 1:100,000.


Shrake, D. L., Powers, D. M., Pavey, R. R., Venteris, E. R., Angle, M. P., Larsen, G. E., and Miller, E., 2010, Using LiDAR and high-resolution aerial photography to map karst in Delaware County, Ohio: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, no. 2, p. 77; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, May 21, 2010.

Shrake, D. L., Venteris, E. R., Larsen, G. E., Angle, M. P., Pavey, R. R., Powers, D. M., Wells, J. G., and Eddy, A., 2010, Surficial geology map of the Marion 30 X 60 minute quadrangle [abs.]: The Ohio Journal of Science, v. 110, no. 1, p. A–20.

Venteris, E. R., Basta, N. T., and Rea, R., 2010, Spatial prediction of arsenic background concentrations in soil, Ohio, U.S.A.: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, no. 2, p. 95; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, May 18, 2010.


Raab, J., Haiker, W., Jones, W., Angle, M., Pavey, R., Swinford, M., and Powers, D., 2009, Ground water induced flooding in the Bellevue Ohio area, spring and summer 2008: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Technical Report of Investigation 2009–1, 19 p.

Shrake, D. L., Venteris, E. R., Larsen, G. E., Angle, M. P., and Pavey, R. R., 2009, Surficial geology map of the Findlay 30 X 60 minute quadrangle: The Ohio Journal of Science, v. 109, no. 1, p. A–22.

Shrake, D. L., Venteris, E. R., Larsen, G. E., Angle, M. P., Pavey, R. R., and Wolfe, M. E., with GIS production and cartography by Powers, D. M., Wells, J. G., and Martin, D. R., 2009, Potential for mineable bedrock in the Marion 30 x 60-minute quadrangle: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Map SG–2d MAR, map scale 1:100,000.

Venteris, E. R., 2009, Separating stratigraphic layers and local facies in borehole records from glacial sediments using statistical analysis: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, no. 4, p. 65; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, March 3, 2009.

Venteris, E. R., and Larsen, G. E., 2009, A reinterpretation of the glacial geology and an assessment of the lithology of glacial sediments in the area of Stages Pond Nature Preserve, Ashville, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Information Circular 62.

Venteris, E. R., Shrake, D. L., Larsen, G. E., Angle, M. P., Pavey, R. R., and Wolfe, M. E., with GIS production and cartography by Powers, D. M., Wells, J. G., and Martin, D. R., 2009, Potential for mineable bedrock in the Findlay 30 x 60-minute quadrangle: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Map SG–2d FIN, map scale 1:100,000.

Venteris, E. R., Shrake, D. L., Larsen, G. E., Pavey, R. R., and Schumacher, G. A., 2009, Sand and gravel resources of the Mansfield 30 x 60-minute quadrangle: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Map SG–2a MAN, map scale 1:100,000.


Central Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition, 2008, Central Great Lake Geologic Mapping Coalition Brochure: Central Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition Information Sheet, 4 p.

Larsen, G. E., 2008, Highland County Water Company Well Field No. 1 seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 341419000224, 18 p.

Larsen, G. E., 2008, Highland County Water Company Well Field No. 2 seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 340719000524, 19 p.

Larsen, G. E., 2008, Indian Run United Methodist Church seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 340499000424, 18 p.

Larsen, G. E., 2008, Lambert Road, Martino property seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 340499000324, 16 p.

Larsen, G. E., 2008, The Ohio State University Extension and Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center and Northwest Branch Agricultural Research Station seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 341739000124, 14 p.

Pavey, R. R., Olyphant, G. A., and Letsinger, S. L., 2008, GIS-based three-dimensional geologic and hydrogeologic modeling of the Milan, Ohio 1:24,000 quadrangle: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 40, no. 5, p. 72; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, March 2, 2009; poster available at IU ScholarWorks [digital repository] <>, date accessed, March 2, 2009.

Shrake, D. L., Venteris, E. R., Larsen, G. E., Schumacher, G. A., Pavey, R. R., and Angle, M. P., 2008, Quaternary materials adjacent to the glaciated margin in north-central Ohio: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 40, no. 5, p. 57; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, March 27, 2009.

Shrake, D. L., Venteris, E. R., Larsen, G. E., Schumacher, G. A., Pavey, R. R., and Angle, M. P., 2008, Surficial geology map of the Mansfield 30 X 60 minute quadrangle: The Ohio Journal of Science, v. 108, no. 1, p. A–25.

Wolfe, M. E., Venteris, E. R., Shrake, D. L., Larsen, G. E., Schumacher, G. A., and Pavey, R. R., 2008, Potential sand and gravel resources of the Mansfield, Ohio 30 x 60 minute quadrangle: 44th Forum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals, Midwest City, Oklahoma, May 11–16, 2008, p. 37.


Larsen, G. E., 2007, Seismic investigation of the Castalia State Fish Hatchery Castalia, Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 340439001024, 37 p.

Shrake, D. L., Swinford, E. M., Schumacher, G. A., Larsen, G. E., Venteris, E. R., and Pavey, R. R., 2007, Complete 1:100,000-scale coverage of the surficial geology of Ohio's Lake Erie coast: The Ohio Journal of Science, v. 107, no. 1, p. A–14.

Swinford, E. M., Pavey, R. R., and Larsen, G. E., 2007, New map of the surficial geology of the Lorain and Put-in-Bay 30 X 60 minute quadrangles, Ohio, in Soller, D. R. ed., Digital mapping techniques '06; workshop proceedings: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007–1285, p.177–182; U.S. Geological Survey Web page, <>, date accessed, December 3, 2008.

Swinford, E. M., Slucher, E. R., Shrake, D. L., Schumacher, G. A., Larsen, G. E., Powers, D. M., and McDonald, J., 2007, The new bedrock geologic map of Ohio completed: The Ohio Journal of Science, v. 107, no. 1, p. A–31.

Venteris, E. R., 2007, Three-dimensional modeling of glacial sediments using public water-well data records–an integration of interpretive and geostatistical approaches: Geosphere, v. 3, no. 6, p. 456–468.

Venteris, E. R., Larsen, G., Pavey, R. R., Shrake D. L., Swinford, E. M., and Wolfe, M. E., 2007, Three-dimensional mapping of surficial materials in Ohio–techniques and applications: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 6, p. 161; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, March 2, 2009.

Venteris, E. R., 2007, Qualitative and quantitative 3D modeling of surficial materials at multiple scales, in Soller, D. R., Digital Mapping Techniques '06, Workshop Proceedings: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007–1285, p. 129–150; U.S. Geological Survey Web page, <>, date accessed, February 25, 2009.

Venteris, E. R., Larsen, Glenn, Pavey, R. R., Shrake, D. L., Swinford, E. M., and Wolfe, M. E., 2007, Three-dimensional mapping of surficial materials in Ohio–techniques and applications: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 6, p. 161; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, March 27, 2009.


Larsen, G. E., 2006, Boy Scouts of America, Beaumont Scout Reservation seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 340079000324, 17 p.

Larsen, G. E., 2006, Brockman property seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 340719000424, 12 p.

Larsen, G. E., 2006, Hickory Hills Lake Resort seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 340979000124, 14 p.

Larsen, G. E., 2006, Howard Rich seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 340079000224, 10 p.

Shrake, D. L., 2006, Maps from the Ohio Division of Geological Survey–no longer just artwork for the office wall: The Ohio Journal of Science, v. 105, no. 1, p. A–49.

Shrake, D. L., 2006, New geologic maps and the search for and management of geologic resources in Ohio: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 4, p. 9; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, March 27, 2009.

Swinford, E. M., 2006, Maps of the surficial geology from surface to bedrock for portions of Ohio: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 4, p. 3; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, March 2, 2009.

Venteris, E. R., 2006, Three-dimensional mapping of lithology in buried glacial valleys using sequential indicator simulation, in Geological Society of America Penrose Conference, Unlocking 3-D Earth Systems–harnessing new digital technologies to revolutionize multiscale geologic models: Durham, U. K., Durham University, September 17–21, 2006, [Proceedings].

Venteris, E. R., Swinford, E. M., Pavey, R. R., Shrake, D. L., and Larsen, G. E., 2006, Differences in resolution and geomorphological interpretation between SSURGO soil maps and legacy glacial geology maps, Ashtabula and Trumbull Counties, OH: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 4, p. 9; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, March 27, 2009.


Larsen, G. E., 2005, Libbens farm seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 341239000124, 15 p.

Larsen, G. E., 2005, Maumee State Forest seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 340519000124, 10 p.

Shrake, D. L., 2005, From 1837 to 2005 and beyond–how Ohio Geological Survey maps can benefit water management in Ohio: Water Management Association of Ohio Annual Fall Conference, 34th, Columbus, Ohio, November 2–3, 2005, [Proceedings].

Swinford, E. M., Pavey, R. R., Larsen, G. E., and Vorbau, K. E., 2005, New map of the surficial geology of the Lorain and Put-in-Bay 30 X 60 minute quadrangles, Ohio, in Herzog, B., Wehrmann, A., Mushrush, M., Keefer, D., Brower, R., Hilberg, S., Warner, K., Merrifield, L., McKenna, D., and Locke, R., eds., 50th Annual Midwest Ground Water Conference Program with Abstracts: Illinois State Geological Survey Open-File Study 2005–13, p. 61.


Central Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition, 2004, The Central Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition: Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition Web site.

Larsen, G. E., 2004, Paint Creek Dam and Reservoir seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 34341419000124, 26 p.

Larsen, G. E., 2003, Blakeman property seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 340439000724, 10 p.

Larsen, G. E., 2003, Wheeler property seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 340439000824, 14 p.

Larsen, G. E., 2003, Wheeler property seismic investigation No. 2: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 340439000924, 9 p.

Swinford, E. M., and Powers, D., 2004, Bedrock-topography and drift-thickness maps for Ohio: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, no. 3, p. 49; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, March 2, 2009.


Larsen, G. E., 2002, Deehr Road seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 340439000124, 10 p.

Larsen, G. E., 2002, District Petroleum, Inc. seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 340439000224, 9 p.

Larsen, G. E., 2002, Osborn Park seismic investigation: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Open-File Report 340439000324, 17 p.

Larsen, G. E., Swinford, E. M., Pavey, R. R., Schumacher, G. A., and Vorbau, K. E., 2002, The surficial geology of the Canton and East Liverpool 1:100,000-scale quadrangles shown in three dimensions: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, no. 2, p. 98; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, March 2, 2009.

Pavey, R. R., Schumacher, G. A., Larsen, G. E., Swinford, E. M., and Vorbau, K. E., 2002, Three-dimensional surficial geology of the Cleveland South 30X60-minute quadrangle: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, no. 2, p. 98; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, March 2, 2009.

Shrake, D. L., Brockman, C. S., Vorbau, K. E., and Wynkoop, R. J., 2002, The 3-D surficial geology map of the Mad River and Little Darby Creek watersheds: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, no. 2, p. A–8; Geological Society of America Web page, <>, date accessed, March 27, 2009.

Shrake, D. L., Brockman, C. S., Vorbau K. E., and Wynkoop, R. J., 2002, The making of the 3-D surficial-geology map of the Mad River and Little Darby Creek watersheds: The Ohio Journal of Science, v. 102, no. 1, A–38.


Shrake, D. L., Brockman, C. S., Swinford, E. M., and Vorbau, K. E., 2001, Surficial geology of the Upper Scioto River watershed: The Ohio Journal of Science, v. 101, no. 1, p. A–25.


Brockman, C. S., Schumacher, G. A., and Shrake, D. L., 2000, New stack-unit map of Dayton region depicts Pleistocene sediments above bedrock: The Ohio Journal of Science, v. 100, no. 1, p. A–11.


Berg, R. C., Bleuer, N. K., Jones, B. E., Kincare, K. A., Pavey, R. R., and Stone, B. D., 1999, Mapping the glacial geology of the Central Great Lakes Region in three dimensions–a model for state-federal cooperation: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99–349, 40 p.; U.S. Geological Survey Web page, <>, date accessed, December 2, 2008.

Brockman, C. S., Pavey, R., Schumacher, G. A., Shrake, D. L., Swinford, E. M., and Vorbau, K. E., 1999, New stack-unit map of Cincinnati area depicts entire thickness of unconsolidated deposits: The Ohio Journal of Science, v. 99, no. 1, p. A–15.

Central Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition, 1999, Sustainable growth in America's heartland–3-D geologic maps as the foundation: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1190, 17 p.; U.S. Geological Survey Web page, <>, date accessed, December 2, 2008.

Central Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition, 1999, The Central Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 153–99, 2 p.; U.S. Geological Survey Web page, <>, date accessed, December 2, 2008.


Newell, W. L., and Stone, B. D., 1997, U.S. Geological Survey 1997 surficial geologic mapping school ("surfschool"); field mapping exercises in Berrien County, Michigan: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 29, no. 6, p. 39.


Stone, B. D., Pavey, R. R., and Fuller, J. A., 1996, Surficial materials, bedrock surface topography, and coastal erosion in the eastern half of the Lake Erie coastal area, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Lake, and Ashtabula counties, Ohio: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96–0507, p. 40–43.


Pavey, R. R., Stone, B. D., and Bruno, P. W., 1995, Coastal lithologies of the Perry Quadrangle, Lake County, Ohio: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95–0224, p. 42–49.

Stone, B. D., Pavey, R. R., and Bruno, P. W., 1995, Surficial materials and erosion in the coastal area of the North Kingsville 7.5' Quadrangle, Ashtabula County, Ohio: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95–0224, p. 51–58.

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