Marketing efforts

Status Start Date End Date Locations
Active Jul 31, 2024 Jun 30, 2026 All Counties
Director: Sara Clifford
Other Researchers: Kevin Fuller, Matthew Johnson, Polly Sturgeon UITS personnel managing Salesforce
Funding: Indiana University - Indiana Geological & Water Survey
Issue: IGWS derives much of its funding from state sources. Marketing projects raise the knowledge level of decision-makers and others around the state about what the IGWS does.
Objective: To increase the visibility of IGWS activities, resources, and research statewide.
Approach: The implementation of Salesforce Marketing Cloud (replacing the custom-coded newsletter builder on the intranet) will enable easier and better targeted communication with various groups of stakeholders as well as integrate IGWS communications with the rest of the IU communications system. Print materials will be redesigned to improve cohesiveness and to update previously released information, and others will be produced to more easily explain what the IGWS does. Highly graphic, quick-read display boards will be produced for two different places in the Statehouse and will be updated quarterly.
Products: Targeted emails and the monthly E-Geo News will be produced through Salesforce. Print materials include various rack cards/postcards, a one-pager (double-sided) on what the IGWS does in a nutshell, redesigned posters, and other products. The display boards (4x8 ft and 40x30 in) will be placed in specific high-traffic areas in the Statehouse.
Benefits: The aim of all products is to increase the public's general knowledge and use of IGWS services and resources.