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The published report of a quarry abandoned prior to 1888 was investigated because of the excellent location of the site with respect to potential markets. It was found, however, to be in an area having about 90 feet of unconsolidated overburden and no indication of the possibility of anomalous bedrock highs. Twenty kilograms of rock fragments were collected at the site, and petrographic examination and conodont study show that the rock belongs to the Dundee Limestone of middle Devonian age. The Dundee has not been recognized generally in Indiana, although lithologic equivalents may be present. Thus it is suggested that the rock was transported from northwestern Ohio to Allen County as a large glacial erratic which remained intact while being moved a distance of a few tens of miles.

Moore, M. C., and Rexroad, C. B., 1974, Age and origin of stone quarried near Fort Wayne in the mid-1800's: Indiana Geological Survey Occasional Paper 4, 7 p., 2 figs., 1 table.

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Keywords: Devonian, Dundee Limestone, industrial minerals, quarry

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Updated 8/19/2020