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Item Number: RP27

ABSTRACT: Where exposed or covered by only a few feet of drift, the New Albany Shale is a potential raw material of expanded shale aggregate in northern Indiana. Areas of thin drift near Remington, Jasper County, and LaCrosse, LaPorte County, have been mapped in detail. In the Remington area, two cores of the New Albany Shale were taken and samples for laboratory investigation. The bloating characteristics of each sample were determined by testing in an electric furnace. Except for part of the basal 30 feet of the formation, the briquetted shale bloats at moderate temperatures (2000 to 2250F) to an exceptionally lightweight product. The upper 30 feet of the shale when fired rapidly as core chips also bloated well. Fissility, silt lenses, and excessive bloating might offer production problems in the processing of bulk shale, but our results indicate that pelletized raw material would yield a good product.

Rooney, L. F., Sunderman, J. A. 1964, Lightweight aggregate potential of the New Albany Shale in northwestern Indiana: Indiana Geological Survey Report of Progress 27, 40 p., 15 fig.

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Keywords: aggregate, industrial minerals, New Albany Shale, Devonian, Mississippian

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Updated 8/19/2020