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Item Number: OFS09-03

POSTER A Indiana whetstone industry, 1813-1988 This poster includes data from the report by E. Kindle, 1897, on the production of whetstone from the Hindostan Whetstone Beds of Orange County, Indiana, with some new information on types of products. Mention is made of use of whetstone overburden that is unsuitable for whetstone production being used as material for the grave marker (tombstone) industry. POSTER B Hindostan whetstone tombstone industry in Indiana, 1811-1860 The identifying characteristics —bedding marks, color of the whetstone, and shapes of grave markers are shown and discussed on this poster. A map shows the locations of cemeteries visible and the distribution of those with whetstone markers. A chart shows the various death dates of whetstone markers between 1811 and 1860. A few examples of carving and engraving are also shown. POSTER C Whetstone marker carvers and dealers This poster features photographic examples of signed work by fifteen carvers and engravers. An accompanying chart indicates some death dates for markers signed or attributed to various engravers.

Kvale, E. , Powell, R. L. 2009, Indiana whetstone posters: Indiana Geological Survey Open-File Study 09-03, 3 pl.

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Keywords: Whetstone, poster, tombstone, Hindostan, history, gravemarker, gravestones

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Updated 8/19/2020