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INTRODUCTION: Published information on the sandstone industry in Indiana is limited virtually to lists of localities where sandstone has been quarried and general stratigraphic and petrologic descriptions of the rocks used for dimension sandstone. Information is lacking concerning amounts of building stone produced and the economics and problems of the sandstone industry. For more than 50 years, no comprehensive report on the industry has been published. In an early report on the sandstone industry, Maurice Thompson (1892) wrote a few pages on exploited and potentially valuable sandstone deposits. A few years later, a more detailed study of al economically significant Carboniferous (Mississippian and Pennsylvanian) sandstones in Indiana was presented by T.C. Hopkins (1896). In the same year, E.M. Kindle reviewed the whetstone and grindstone industry of the state. Other than a brief and general discussion of the sandstone industry by W.S. Blatchley in 1907, little was published on the sandstone industry in Indiana until W.N. Logan's review in the "Handbook of Indiana Geology" (1922). Other contributions to the general knowledge of Indiana sandstones quarried for building purposes include works by P.B. Stockdale (1931), C.A. Malott (1952), H.H. Murray and J.B. Patton (1953), S.S. Greenberg (1960), and H.H. Gray (1962).

Carr, D. D., Hatfield, C. B. 1975, Dimension sandstone resources of Indiana: Indiana Geological Survey Bulletin 42M, 28 p., 16 fig., 1 pl.

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Keywords: dimension stone, sandstone, industrial minerals

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Updated 8/19/2020