1:500,000 scale earthquake epicenter and fault map

Status Start Date End Date Locations
Active Feb 1, 2024 Jun 30, 2025 All Counties
Director: Polly Sturgeon
Other Researchers: Nicholas Angelos, Kilauren Driscoll, Victoria Leffel
Funding: Indiana University - Indiana Geological & Water Survey
Issue: New earthquakes have occurred since the previous epicenter and fault map (MM84) was published in 2012. New sources of data have also been discovered since the time of that publication.
Objective: This project will research and verify earthquake data points for epicenters occurring in Indiana since 1800 with moment magnitudes greater than or equal to 3.0.
Approach: Project staff will review the USGS earthquake database, CEUS Seismic Characterization project database, IGWS publications, and historical records to find earthquake data points. Data sources with conflicting information will be greyed.
Products: The data will be published in a 1:500,000 scale map in the Indiana Journal of Earth Science and a new data layer on IndianaMap.
Benefits: The 1:500,000 scale earthquake epicenter and fault map will provide teachers, emergency planners, and homeowners with updated, verified data related to seismic hazards in the state.