Pike County Pre-Feasibility Study

Status Start Date End Date Locations
Active Sep 1, 2024 Nov 30, 2024 Pike
Director: Valerie Beckham-Feller
Other Researchers: Nicholas Angelos, Sara Clifford, Rachel Culver, Ginger Davis, Ashley Douds, Casey Jones, Katherine Tucker, Jennifer Lanman
Issue: NewCarbon would like to sequester 100 million metric tons of CO2 in or near Pike County.
Objective: The objective of the pre-feasibility study is to assess the feasibility of injecting and storing a total of 100 million metric tons of CO2.
Approach: The pre-feasibility study aims to analyze regional data to provide an understanding of the geological features of storage complexes, both storage reservoirs and seals, for CO2 storage.
Products: Final report delivered to NewCarbon
Benefits: This study will aid NewCarbon with their decision of where to place a CO2 sequestration hub.