IWBN for Eclipse Monitoring

Status Start Date End Date Locations
Active Sep 1, 2023 Oct 31, 2025 All Counties
Director: Ginger Davis
Other Researchers: Nicholas Angelos, Sara Clifford, Kevin Fuller, Casey Jones, Connor Miller, Polly Sturgeon
Funding: Indiana University - Indiana Geological & Water Survey
Issue: Not much has been planned surrounding the next sun moon interaction. Additionally not much attention has been placed on the IWBN stations, where they are, and what they do.
Objective: Update the stations to take faster measurements during the time leading upto and through the eclipse on April 8, 2024. Update the website to showcase the IWBN station information better and give it front page billing during the eclipse.
Approach: Update the station programming for this time Update the website Provide news and outreach create GIS dashboard for IBWN eclipse showcase
Products: News articles website updates
Benefits: attention to our stations timely and relevant products