Northern Indiana Quaternary cross sections

Status Start Date End Date Locations
Active Nov 1, 2023 Oct 31, 2025 Dekalb, Elkhart, Jasper, Kosciusko, Lagrange, Lake, LaPorte, Marshall, Newton, Noble,
Porter, St Joseph, Starke, Steuben
Director: Henry Loope
Other Researchers: Jose Luis Antinao, Sara Clifford, Casey Jones, Alex Martinez, Katherine Tucker
Funding: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) - Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition
Issue: The sensitivity of near-surface, unconfined aquifers in northern Indiana is high and the development of cross sections and a three-dimensional geologic framework will greatly aid future groundwater modeling efforts, surface/groundwater protection efforts, and identification of potential deep aquifers. This project will also improve regional-scale stratigraphic relationships between Lake Michigan, Saginaw, and Huron-Erie Lobe glacial deposits.
Objective: The objective of this project is to provide subsurface geologic data and correlation of glacial sediments needed for water resource management, land-use planning, and infrastructure projects. The project will obtain new borehole data in addition to compiling existing subsurface information, including downhole geophysical data (gamma-ray logs), water well logs, and archived borehole information, for all of northernmost Indiana.
Approach: To create geologic cross sections, this project will compile archived downhole geophysical (gamma-ray) logs, validated lithological descriptions from water well logs, and archived boreholes and cross sections from previous geological mapping in northern Indiana. Compilation of existing data will be supplemented by collecting two cores drilled to bedrock. We will use wireline coring to collect intact cores. Cores will be described, photographed, and sampled at the IGWS. Particle size analysis via laser diffraction and sieving will be completed, along with mineralogical characterization of sediments through X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. These analyses will allow for a full characterization of the glacial sediments. Samples for radiocarbon dating and optically-stimulated luminescence also will be collected to constrain the chronology of glacial events.
Products: This project will produce a set of cross sections of the glacial (Quaternary) sediments of northern Indiana, which will be published in the Indiana Journal of Earth Sciences. At least one west-to-east cross section will span the entire width of the state (145 miles [ca. 230 km]). Other cross sections will highlight the glacial geology of each lobe of the ice sheet (Lake Michigan Lobe, Saginaw Lobe, Huron-Erie Lobe). The data sets created during the project will be added to existing lithologic, geochemical, geophysical, and stratigraphic databases hosted by the Indiana Geological and Water Survey which are in the process of being released as publicly accessible online databases.
Benefits: This project will benefit stakeholders at the local (municipal and county planners, individual landowners), state (Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Indiana Department of Homeland Security) and federal (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service) levels in northern Indiana by providing geologic information relevant to water resource management, land-use change, and infrastructure needs. The project also will provide much-needed data and understanding for future derivative geologic mapping (e.g., aggregate mapping, aquifer mapping). The creation of geologic cross sections in the northern part of the state will serve as a pilot project for future statewide cross sections.