Digitization of Lithologic Strip Collection and Entry into the Digital Asset Management System

Status Start Date End Date Locations
Active Feb 1, 2023 Feb 1, 2025 All Counties
Director: Kristen Wilkins
Other Researchers: Will Knauth, Jennifer Lanman Paul Edwin Potter Intern (summer)
Funding: Indiana University - Indiana Geological & Water Survey
Issue: As part of our goal to create access to our physical collections, for this project, we will digitize the nearly 11,000 lithologic strips in the IGWS collection. These strips supplement our core collection, which is more difficult to access as it is both in flux and off site. These digitized images will be inserted into our Sata Access Management system (Resource Space, etc.) and linked with their associated location and other important metadata.
Objective: - Digitize existing Lithologic Strips - Prepare and upload image files - Enter the relevant location and project information in the metadata
Approach: Create a workflow to enable: 1. Retrieving "batches" of strips from their storage areas (likely starting with strips related to upcoming State Map and researcher needs) 2. Digitizing them 3. Attaching and uploading the files with their metadata to RS and SDA in 75GB chunks (about) 4. Reshelving strips 5. Clearing archived files off Quartz to make room for next batch
Products: Using a standard scan resolution of 400ppi, digitizing the collection will result in 550-600GB of images.
Benefits: Enabling researchers across Indiana and beyond to access information contained in lithologic strips