Mapping bedrock geology, Monroe County

Status Start Date End Date Locations
completed Jan 5, 2004 Apr 30, 2007 Greene, Lawrence, Monroe, Morgan, Owen
Director: Walter Hasenmueller
Other Researchers: Brian Keith, Todd Thompson, Carolyn Estell
Funding: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) - STATEMAP Program
Issue: Natural resource needs and population-related impacts require geologic maps and map products in urban areas and along transportation corridors. Specific issues in Indiana that this bedrock geologic mapping addresses are: 1) Distribution and availability of carbonate bedrock for construction aggregate and dimension limestone; 2) Geologic hazards and resource availability related to new highway construction.
Objective: This project anticipates the need for more detailed geologic information to guide planning in and around a major population center along the corridor of the of the Interstate 69 extension from Indianapolis to Evansville. The project is also intended to expedite current scientific studies of the economically important Salem Limestone and related rocks in central Monroe County, and to further refine computer mapping techniques. The detailed geologic framework and databases that this project will create are intended to document karst features and to provide data for the quantitative assessment of dimension and crushed stone resources in the county.
Approach: Geologic mapping began at the north end of Monroe County and has proceeded southward. The project mapping database integrates existing data from a variety of sources, including public-domain data such as petroleum-well records, water-well records, highway test borings, work maps, field notes, measured sections, geologic literature, and other available data from state agencies.
Products: Miscellaneous Maps
Benefits: This project addresses an immediate specific need. The Interstate 69 corridor is intended to link transportation and trade between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The selected route will pass through Monroe County, and will include major interchanges at Bloomington, one of Indiana's population centers. Geologic maps created during this study should satisfy many of Monroe County's and Bloomington's immediate needs, and will provide the Indiana Department of Transportation needed information for highway construction. As a dimension stone resource and a petroleum and gas reservoir, the Salem Limestone is an important local and national natural resource. Urban growth continues to affect the availability of this resource. Maps and databases generated by this project will help planners evaluate potential areas and locate areas where karst is a potential problems.

Bedrock Geologic Map of Monroe County, Indiana

Geologic map of the Bloomington 7.5-minute quadrangle

Geologic map of the Clear Creek 7.5-minute quadrangle, Indiana