Stratigraphy and maturity of the New Albany Shale–new insights from recently acquired and archived cores

Status Start Date End Date Locations
Active Jul 1, 2022 Dec 31, 2024 Outside Indiana, Outside Indiana, state, state
Director: Nancy Hasenmueller
Other Researchers: Valerie Beckham-Feller, Ashley Douds, LaBraun Hampton, Jennifer Lanman, Bei Liu, Maria Mastalerz, Katherine Tucker Dustin Crandall, National Energy Technology Laboratory Jed Day, Illinois State University, Department of Geography & Geology
Funding: Indiana University - Indiana Geological & Water Survey
Approach: The donated New Albany Shale cores and complementary suite of geophysical logs are from Posey County in southwestern Indiana and Washington County in western Illinois. The stratigraphy and thermal maturity will be examined, and the cores and associated information will be designated as reference cores for the New Albany Shale to be kept on file at the IGWS. Existing data for selected cores archived at the IGWS will also be integrated into the study. This project consists of the following tasks related to the cores: 1. Analyze conodonts in selected intervals and describe and determine age and correlation of stratigraphic units. 2. Compare various maturity parameters, including: a. the relationship between vitrinite reflectance and alginite content, b. the relationship between Tmax and alginite content, c. the relationship of selected biomarkers to maturity, and d. the relationship between mineralogical composition and maturity parameters. 3. Determine if there is suppression of vitrinite reflectance and, if so, evaluate the level of suppression and its influence on hydrocarbon generation from the New Albany Shale. 4. Run pXRF analysis on cores and complete core photography.
Products: Products include two manuscripts for publication in the Indiana Journal of Earth Sciences: one on stratigraphy, one on maturity, and presentation of the results at professional meetings. Recently donated reference cores will be archived in the IGWS core library.