Assessment of geologic and hydrogeologic properties of formations within the Indiana portion of the Illinois Basin for geologic energy storage

Status Start Date End Date Locations
completed May 1, 2022 Apr 30, 2023 All Counties
Director: Maria Mastalerz
Other Researchers: Ashley Douds, Agnieszka Drobniak, Joe East, USGS
Funding: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) - - USGS - No Specific Program
Issue: The Illinois Basin has tremendous potential for large-scale geologic energy storage, including opportunities for geothermal, hydrogen and carbon capture and storage. While much of the research conducted to advance these opportunities focuses on the evaluation of geologic formations at a local scale, advancing geologic energy storage throughout the Illinois Basin will require parameterizing suitable formations at a regional scale.
Objective: The objective of this project is to work with the United States Geological Survey to identify available data that can be applied to research related to geologic energy storage in the Indiana portion of the Illinois Basin. Additionally, data gaps will be identified for future projects to address.
Approach: The IGWS will assess publications from the Survey that may contain data for energy storage applications, as well as data available from non-published or internal projects. The geologic formations to be targeted in this study are the Cypress Sandstone, St. Peter Sandstone, Potosi Dolomite, Eau Claire Formation, and Mount Simon Sandstone. These formations were studied in various projects for energy storage, with the Mount Simon Sandstone and Potosi Dolomite of particular interest recently due to their large storage capacity and the increased benefit from tax credit 45Q. In addition, the New Albany Shale is promising for carbon storage with potential enhanced gas recovery, and unminable coal seams can be considered for carbon storage coupled with enhanced coalbed methane recovery.
Products: The following products may be provided, depending on availability and project resources: 1. Datasets containing porosity and permeability values or ranges for formations in Indiana’s part of the Illinois Basin described above, where available. 2. Datasets containing water quality/TDS/salinity data, where available. 3. Bibliographic information and public reports on existing and planned energy storage locations in the state of Indiana. 4. Datasets containing reservoir data collected from drilling and logging techniques, including hydraulic conductivity, pump tests, formation and lithology data, temperature and pressure gradients, density logs, age and biostratigraphy information, and rock petrophophysics, when available. 5. Maps and cross-sections pertaining to the data described above.
Benefits: The data provided from this project will be valuable for future energy storage research conducted by the Indiana Geological and Water Survey or others, as well as applications in industry for energy storage.