Pennsylvanian System

Type locality and use of name: The Vigo Limestone Member was named as a part of the Shelburn Formation by Waddell (1954) for exposures along Prairie Creek near Vigo in Vigo County, Ind. (W2NW2 sec. 28, T. 10 N., R. 10 W.), but was reassigned to the Patoka Formation when Wier (1961, 1965) redefined the Shelburn Formation.

Description: The Vigo is a light- to dark-gray fossiliferous limestone with a few streaks of black carbonaceous limestone. It is thickest (2.5 feet 0.8 m) in sec, 35, T. 9 N., R. 10 W., in southern Vigo County and is also fairly thick throughout much of its outcrop area in Sullivan County. It extends on outcrop and in the subsurface from northern Vigo County southward to the Ohio River.