Pennsylvanian System

Type section and use of name: The name Inglefield Sandstone was used by Fuller and Ashley (1902, p. 3) for 80 to 100 (24 to 30 m) of sandstone exposed in a railroad cut in the SW¼NW¼ and SE¼NW¼ sec. 8, T. 5 S., R. 10 W., near Inglefield in northern Vanderburgh County, Ind. The name was changed to Inglefield Formation by Fuller and Clapp (1904), who included in the formation the sandstone in the Inglefield railroad cut and all of the rocks above to the base of the Parker Coal Member. The name was restricted to the sandstone above the Ditney Coal Member and below the Hazelton Bridge Coal Member by Wier (1961, 1965), who accorded the sandstone member rank in the Patoka Formation and retained the type section of Fuller and Ashley (1902).

Description: The Inglefield Sandstone Member is a sandstone that is gray to tan, fine grained, thin to thick bedded, and cross bedded. The Inglefield grades laterally into a sandy shale. The sandstone is thickest in Vanderburgh and Posey Counties, where most well records indicate that it ranges from 20 to 80 feet (6 to 24 m) in thickness. North of Knox County the sandstone rarely is thicker than 20 feet (6 m).

Correlation: The Inglefield Sandstone Member is also recognized in Illinois, where Andresen (1961) assigned it to the Modesto Formation.