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Item Number: RP38
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Several confined feeding operations (CFOs) are operating in the sandy hydrogeologic settings of southwestern Indiana. Groundwater in these hydrogeologic settings (highly permeable soils and shallow water tables) is very sensitive to contamination, and because sandy outwash deposits parallel the White River, the river may also be affected by groundwater contamination. The project area was located northwest of the town of Washington in Daviess County, Indiana. The study area is rural and row crop farming is the primary land use. Three study sites were selected and subjected to intensive monitoring for three full water years (2004 – 2006). The purpose of the project was to evaluate nitrate loading of groundwater underlying agricultural fields subjected to both commercial and noncommercial (animal waste) fertilizers in sandy soils with shallow water tables.

Letsinger, S. L., and Olyphant, G. A., 2012, An evaluation of the storage and movement of potential contaminants in soils at a confined feeding operation in southwestern Indiana: Indiana Geological Survey Report of Progress 38, 28 p., 12 figs., 2 tables, 1 app.

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Keywords: hydrology, groundwater, farming, confined feeding operations, CFO, geochemistry, nitrate, GIS, environmental geology, geology, water quality, agriculture

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