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Item Number: OP20
Map Scale: 1:63,360

Petrographic, X-ray diffraction, and chemical studies have shown that the basal 5 to 10 feet of the Coxville Sandstone Member of the Linton Formation, especially where the sandstone rests directly on the underlying Seelyville (III) Coal Member, causes acid mine drainage and acid spoil problems in normal strip mine operations at the Latta mine in Greene County. Framboidal (6 to 50µ) and secondary pyrite comprise as much as 5 to 10 percent of this friable porous fine-grained basal sandstone. Oxidations of the pyritic sandstone and subsequent leaching yield effluents with pH values of 2.5 to 3. Preferential stripping and burial of the pyrite-rich sandstone below the ground water table at the foot of the advancing cast overburden bank are recommended to prevent acid mine drainage problems, to avoid reexposure of acid-producing sandstone during regrading, and to prevent further oxidation of pyrite. Maps outlining sandstone bodies and pointing out areas with high acid-producing potential can be developed from sandstone-shale ratios.

Wiram, V. P., 1976, Pyrite in the Coxville Sandstone Member, Linton Formation, and its effect on acid mine conditions near Latta, Greene County, Indiana: Indiana Geological Survey Occasional Paper 20, 10 p., 7 figs.

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Updated 8/19/2020