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Subsurface sampling reveals at least 5 feet of unconsolidated deposits beneath the valley floor of Salt Creek near Bedford. Textural relationships within these sediments define two cycles of deposition, each of which begins with sandy and gravelly material that is interpreted as primarily alluvial and closes with silty and clayey material that represents lacustrine deposition. Some of the sediment is locally derived, but an important part of it has been transported as outwash down the East Fork of White River, to which Salt Creek is tributary, and up the ponded Salt Creek valley to the site of deposition. The sediments are tentatively dated as late Wisconsinan, probably contemporary with the building of the Shelbyville and Crawfordsville Moraines.

Gray, H. H., 1974, Glacial lake sediments in Salt Creek Valley near Bedford, Indiana: Indiana Geological Survey Occasional Paper 1, 10 p., 7 figs.

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Keywords: Quaternary, sedimentology, lacustrine

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Updated 8/19/2020