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Item Number: OFS15-02

The Edinburgh 7.5-minute quadrangle is located along the maximum extent of the Wisconsin Episode of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and within the Illinois Episode glacial limit. The quadrangle contains a diverse set of Quaternary sediments including silt- and clay-dominated diamicton (till) units of both the Wisconsin and Illinois Episodes and sand and gravel (outwash) up to 100 ft thick in a bedrock paleovalley extending roughly north-south through the quadrangle. Quaternary sediment thickness ranges from 0 to more than 160 ft, with the thickest Quaternary sediment associated with an upland in the northeast part of the quadrangle, which is cored by Illinoian and perhaps pre-Illinoian glacial sediments and draped with Wisconsin Episode till, outwash, and eolian sand. This preliminary geologic map is an interim geologic map product that documents progress in mapping the Quaternary geology of Bartholomew County, Indiana. The lithologic classification of the Quaternary units of Indiana (Wayne, 1963) was used in assigning map units. This map accompanies the bedrock surface elevation map and the unconsolidated thickness map of the Edinburgh quadrangle (Hasenmueller and others, 2014a,b).

Loope, H. M., Rupp, R. F., and Hasenmueller, W. A., 2015, Preliminary map showing Quaternary geology of the Edinburgh 7.5-minute quadrangle, Indiana: Indiana Geological Survey Open-File Study 15-02, scale 1:24,000.

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Keywords: map, cross section, Quaternary, Bartholomew County, Wisconsin glaciation, Illinois Episode, Wisconsin Episode

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Updated 8/19/2020