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ABSTRACT: Samples from the Jacobs Chapel Bed of the New Albany Shale in southern Indiana yielded a diverse and extremely abundant conodont fauna on which this study is based. Twenty genera are considered indigenous and are represented by 57 named species, none of which is new. Siphonodella is the most abundant genus and Polygnathus communis is the most abundant species. The average number of generically identifiable conodonts exclusive of Hindeodella is approximately 5,800 specimens per kilogram of sample. Precise correlation and zonation are not possible, but the Jacobs Chapel Bed is Kinderhookian in age and correlates approximately with the middle and upper parts of the Hannibal Shale of the Mississippi Valley. It probably lies within the Siphonodella duplicata s.s. and the S. quadruplicata Assemblage Zones established in the Mississippian Valley.

Rexroad, C. B. 1969, Conodonts from the Jacobs Chapel Bed (Mississippian) of the New Albany Shale in southern Indiana: Indiana Geological Survey Bulletin 41, 55 p., 2 fig., 9 pl.

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Keywords: Jacobs Chapel Bed, New Albany Shale, Mississippian, paleontology, conodont, fossil

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Updated 8/19/2020